Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (HP #1, reread)

I've re-read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone probably more than any of the others. Mostly this stemmed from an intent to reread the whole series before the next book came out, but sometimes it was just because. That might not seem strange to you, but frankly, this book is my least favorite of the whole series.

I'm looking forward to seeing, as I reread the rest of the series, how Rowling's writing improved, matured. I'm also remembering my first reactions to the movies, and I'm a little ashamed to say that I was surprised that I'd forgotten how different events actually happened in the book. Like the Devil's Snare after they get past Fluffy. I totally forgot how that all went down.

And more than ever, now that I'm rereading the series, I love (and want) these Harry Potter tattoos.

1 comment:

Zibilee said...

I haven't yet done a complete reread of this series, but there is one book fairly later on...not sure if it's the 5th or 6th that annoyed me to no end. In it, Harry just seems to have a miserable attitude most of the time. I think it's the only book in the series that I wasn't totally crazy about.